Orion wallpaper Hero Wars

Orion Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • Author: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated on: 04/07/2024
Main Attributes
Position: Back Line
Function: Mage, Marksman
Main Stat: Intelligence
Faction: Progress
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Heroic Chest, Tower Shop
Tier List 2024
Hero Tier List: B+
Hydra Tier List: A

Mastering Orion in Hero Wars Alliance: Strategies for Maximizing Orion's Potential

Orion stands out as one of the most beloved characters in Hero Wars, boasting exceptional abilities that make this robot created by Julius undeniably formidable. Renowned for his speed, Orion consistently leads the charge in battles, leveraging his Ultimate skill with remarkable efficiency. This is attributed to his ability to gain extra energy with each attack, enabling him to unleash his Ultimate after just a couple of basic attacks.

Utilizing Synergistic Combos

One of the key strategies when utilizing Orion revolves around forming synergistic combos with other heroes, and among the most crucial is pairing him with Nebula. Nebula's passive skill, which grants extra energy, synergizes perfectly with Orion. By casting the Balance ability on Orion, Nebula empowers him to unleash his first attack with her buff, inflicting significant magical damage upon enemies. To execute this combo effectively, Orion needs to be at or above level 100.

Another vital combo involves pairing Orion with Helios and Dorian. Dorian is primarily utilized to provide vampirism to the swift robot. However, when these three heroes are united and Dorian's aura is activated, Helios gains the ability to absorb physical and critical damage while dealing magical damage. As Helios possesses minimal magical penetration, he benefits greatly from Orion's weapon artifact, resulting in increased magical damage output.

Orion's Skills

  • Total Destruction: Unleashes 6 magic missiles at enemies with the highest health, dealing significant damage.
  • Magnetic Field: Creates an explosion in the enemy's backline, inflicting area damage and slowing enemies for a duration.
  • Antimatter Blast: Fires a magic missile at the nearest enemy, stunning them and dealing magic damage.
  • Full Charge: Passively grants Orion additional energy with each attack.

Optimizing Team Composition

With the introduction of new shield heroes in the game, Orion has found increased effectiveness when integrated into Nature-themed team compositions, alongside Mojo, Alvanor, and Mushy. Undoubtedly, this synergy enhances team performance significantly, with Orion providing continuous magical penetration, thereby activating the weapon artifact to maximize magical damage output for the entire team.

Mastering Orion in Hero Wars Alliance requires a combination of strategic insight, experimentation, and teamwork. By understanding his strengths, synergies, and optimal usage in various team compositions, players can harness Orion's full potential and lead their alliance to triumph on the battlefield. With careful planning and coordination, Orion can become a cornerstone of any successful alliance, driving them towards victory in the ongoing battle for dominance in the world of Hero Wars.

Orion Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Orion is the fastest character in Hero Wars
  • Receives extra energy with each attack
  • Deals area damage and slows enemies for 4s
  • Stuns 1 nearby target for 4s

Negative Points

  • Attacks enemies with more health, does not finish enemies and activates their artifacts
  • Weak against Satori marks

Stats Evolution Priority

Glyphs Priority

In Orion's glyphs, prioritize leveling up magic penetration and magic attack first to deal more damage. Then life and intelligence, and finally magical defense.

Orion Glyphs Priority
Priority Glyphs
1st Magic penetration
2nd Magic attack
3rd Health
4th Intelligence
5th Magic Defense

Artifacts Priority

In artifacts, first level up the book to gain magical attack and magical penetration, then the weapon to gain more magical penetration. Finally, level up the ring to gain more of the magical attack and magical defense.

Orion Artifacts Priority
Priority Artifacts
1st Book
2nd Weapon
3rd Ring

Skins Priority

A very important detail: Orion does not have a Magic Penetration Skin. Therefore, in skins, we prioritize magical attacks, and in glyphs and artifacts, prioritize magical penetration.

Orion Skins Priority
Priority Skins
1st Magic attack
2nd Magic attack
3rd Intelligence
4th Health Super Skin
5th Armor
6th Magic defense
Orion with Winter Skin in Hero Wars Alliance
Orion with Winter Skin, Hero Wars Alliance.

Orion vs Hydra

You can easily find good Orion teams for hydras spread across the internet and at Alexandre Games, we have a list of the best on our webpage hydra strategies tutorial.

Orion in Battles: A Comprehensive Guide

Strong Against:

  • Keira: Orion stands out against heroes like Keira due to his ability to target enemies with more health, dealing significant damage to heroes with more health before Keira gains energy and can unleash her full potential.
  • Danada, Ginger: His fast-paced attacks make him particularly effective against agile heroes like Danada and Ginger, who rely on speed.
  • Astrid & Lucas: Orion's ability to target enemies with higher health makes him a potent threat against tanky heroes like Astrid & Lucas, bypassing their defenses to deal substantial damage.

Recommended Combo:

The combination of Helios, Dorian, and Orion forms a formidable team, especially effective against critical damage-based lineups like those featuring Keira. Helios and Dorian complement Orion's abilities, enhancing his damage output and survivability, respectively. Additionally, Orion synergizes well with heroes like Alvanor, Mushy, and Mojo, particularly against progress teams.

Orion Counters:

  1. Satori: Satori's ability to apply marks and disrupt enemy formations poses a significant threat to Orion, making him a prime target for elimination.
  2. Martha: As a backline tank with healing abilities, Martha can sustain her team while disrupting Orion's attacks, diminishing his effectiveness.
  3. Rufus: Tanks, especially Rufus, prove to be challenging opponents for Orion, as his attacks prioritize enemies with higher health, making it difficult to overcome sturdy frontline defenders.
  4. Corvus: Corvus's altar can quickly dispatch Orion if he lacks Dorian's vampirism, making him vulnerable to sudden eliminations.
  5. Aurora, Jorgen, Lian, Jhu: Heroes with disruptive abilities like crowd control or energy manipulation can hinder Orion's performance, limiting his ability to unleash devastating attacks.

Taming Orion: Unleashing Victory on the Battlefield: Mastering Orion in battles requires a deep understanding of his strengths, weaknesses, and ideal team compositions. By leveraging his speed and targeting abilities, paired with synergistic heroes like Helios and Dorian, players can dominate the battlefield and lead their team to victory. However, it's essential to remain vigilant of his counters, adjusting strategies accordingly to overcome challenging matchups and secure triumph in Hero Wars.

Orion Best Teams

Orion's best teams are the nature heroes, Alvanor, Mushy, Mojo, and Aurora. He is very strong, especially against Julius' teams, both for defense and attack.

Orion Combinations

Orion Best Teams
No. Combination
1 Orion, Mojo, Alvanor, Mushy, Aurora
2 Orion, Mojo, Morrigan, Alvanor, Mushy
3 Orion, Amira, Mojo, Alvanor, Mushy
4 Orion, Jorgen, Mojo, Alvanor, Mushy
5 Thea, Orion, Mojo, Alvanor, Mushy
6 Astrid, Orion, Amira, Judge, Julius
7 Astrid, Orion, Nebula, Judge, Julius
8 Dorian, Orion, Nebula, Keira, Corvus
9 Dorian, Orion, Nebula, Keira, Julius
10 Dorian, Orion, Cascade, Morrigan, Corvus
11 Dorian, Orion, Amira, Morrigan, Corvus
12 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Morrigan, Corvus
13 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Jorgen, Astaroth
14 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Morrigan, Corvus
15 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Nebula, Astaroth
16 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Nebula, Aurora
17 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Andvari, Astaroth
18 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Astaroth, Julius
19 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Andvari, Rufus
20 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Julius, Rufus
21 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Celeste, Astaroth

Conclusion: Guide to Mastering Orion in Hero Wars Alliance

Mastering Orion in Hero Wars Alliance is an exciting journey that requires not only individual skill but also team strategy and a deep understanding of hero synergies. Throughout this guide, we've explored Orion's unique abilities, his synergistic combinations with other heroes, and the importance of optimizing your team composition.

By understanding Orion's gameplay dynamics and his ability to lead attacks with remarkable efficiency, players can fully leverage his potential, whether dominating the PvP arena, conquering PvE battles, or triumphing in alliance wars.

Always remember to experiment with different strategies, adapting to changes in the game's meta, and collaborating with your alliance to achieve victory. With dedication, practice, and teamwork, Orion can become not only a powerful hero in your arsenal but also a symbol of leadership and success for your alliance in Hero Wars.

Video suggestion

Video: Orion Guide Hero Wars.

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